Saturday, October 1, 2011

South America, Over & Out

1/10/2011 Saturday

Well this is it folks my last post from South America.

I arrived here in Santiago 2 days ago from Rio and I have literally done nothing but chill out, sleep and organise the next leg of my journey.

I'm sitting here and I am genuinely struggling to find the words to sum up the last three months. Yes, its hard to believe but its been three months since I left home and started this amazing adventure.

I just had a quick flick though some of my previous posts and wow I really have had a serious amount of adventures and escapades, each one a unique and wonderful experience.

So thanks to everyone who has made this trip the incredible journey that is was. I wish all my travel buddies Iv meet along the way the best in their own adventures.

Id also like to say thanks to my Mam and Dad who I know have worried about me every day while Iv been over here. They are the best xx

Right I'm off to catch a flight to cheer on the boys in green in NZ & catch up with two beautiful ladies :)

Until next time,
Que te cuides & ciao!!!

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